Rev. Linus Otronyi: Putting God’s Word in Their Hands

How many languages can one country contain?

Nigeria has 515!

How much work is there still to do in bridging the gaps and bringing the Word of God to these communities in their own language?



map of Nigeria


Rev. Linus Otronyi

Rev. Linus Otronyi grew up in the rural village of Iboko, in the Yala-speaking area of northern Cross River State, Nigeria. He studied at the University of Calabar and has been involved in Bible translation work since 2000 including work in language assessment, Scripture engagement, church and community mobilization, project management, training, and Bible translation.

Rev. Linus is an ordained pastor with the Lutheran Church of Nigeria and serves as an International Associate with Lutheran Bible Translators. He is currently serving as the Language Program Coordinator in Nigeria, providing both technical and management support for different projects as well as liaising with partners for Bible translation and language development work in Nigeria.

Linus is currently working towards his PhD in Translation Studies at Africa International University. He and his wife Katherine have a beautiful daughter, Joanna.

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Join Rev. Linus Otronyi and host, Rev. Rich Rudowske, as they discuss the first requirement in all mission, minority languages, and more on the Essentially Translatable podcast, “Modern Day Tower of Babel.” 

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Rev. Linus Otronyi prepares to preach to the Lutheran church in Ogoja, Nigeria

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Rev. Linus Otronyi works with the Yala translation team on the Old Testament drafts

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Rev. Linus Otronyi shows Emily Wilson the translation software, Paratext, at a Gospel of Luke workshop

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