How do I find my way around this magazine site?
This magazine is presented in digital format. There are 6 categories of articles in the magazine:
- From the Editor,
- Celebrating Mission,
- Meet Some Missionaries,
- History of Mission,
- Wisdom from the Fields, and
- Ideas from Churches.
Articles from each category can be read through a variety of means:
- Click the photo slider on the home page to access a featured article,
- Scroll down the home page and click the photo or title of the article you want to read,
- Hover over “Magazine” on the menu bar and choose the category of articles you want to access, then click the photo, title or Read More button of the article you want to read
Browse the other pages of the website to learn more about us, our Partners and resources, and how to submit articles for consideration. In addition, please consider dropping us a note or even donating to help us keep the magazine freely available!
Why "Mission" instead of "Missions" in our name?
Often, in popular usage, the plural of mission has been used to refer to our kingdom building, cross-cultural task commanded by the Lord. There are numerous Christian global mission organizations doing this through a variety of means and methods. However, at CGM, we have chosen the singular in our title – Celebrating Global Mission – to reflect that at its core, we all – individuals, churches and agencies – share one common mission: to make disciples of all the nations!
What are the Writer's Guidelines for Submitting Articles?
- Include your name, address, phone number and email address.
- Include a biographic sketch of up to 50 words at the end of the article.
- Include Scripture references for any Biblical quotations following the final quotation mark. [Example: “God so loved…life” (John 3:16).]
- Use the New International Version (NIV) or Today’s New International Version (TNIV) when quoting Scripture, please. If using another translation, please indicate.
- Capitalize the first letter of pronoun references to God and/or Jesus (He, Him, etc).
- Email articles to the editors as a separate attachment, not included in the body of the email text. Preferred format is Microsoft Word.
- Submission of an article or photo constitutes permission to publish and share. Please include your contact info (email address, social media platforms, etc.).
- If your article meets our criteria, we reserve the right to hold it for a future issue.
- Specify whether you own photographs related to your proposed article. Submit photos as email attachments in .jpg format.
Preferred article length: 300-1,000 words. (Don’t let the word count scare you – just get your point across.) If your proposed article is of interest to our editorial team, we will contact you within 30 days.
CGM prefers to accept submissions by email. Writers without access to email may mail articles to the address below. All articles received by mail will be evaluated but cannot be returned.
Please read our guidelines carefully before submitting your article or photos. If you have additional questions, contact the editors.
We do not compensate writers for submissions; however, we will include a byline and bio for each writer whose article is featured in CGM.
The editors of Celebrating Global Mission (CGM) reserve the right to edit your manuscript for clarity and space, and to reject any article at any stage of our editing/production process.
By Mail:
PO Box 67432
Albuquerque, NM 87193-7432
By Email with Attachment:
editors at cgmmag dot com
Please put “submission” in the subject line.
Does CGM Accept Unsolicited Article Submissions?
CGM accepts unsolicited submissions. If you have an article you would like us to consider for one of the categories, tell us about it. Every submission is considered. Preferred article length: 300-1,000 words. (Don’t let the word count scare you – just get your point across.) If your proposed article is of interest to our editorial team, we will contact you within 30 days.
Please read our guidelines carefully before submitting your article or photos. If you have additional questions, email editors at cgmmag dot com.
CGM prefers to accept submissions by e-mail. Please put “submission” in the subject line. Writers without access to e-mail may mail articles to the address below. All articles received by mail will be evaluated but cannot be returned.
PO Box 67432
Albuquerque, NM 87193-7432
Submission Guidelines:
- Include your name, address, phone number and email address.
- Include a biographic sketch of 50 words at the end of the article.
- Include Scripture references for any Biblical quotations following the final quotation mark. [Example: “God so loved…life” (John 3:16).]
- Use the New International Version (NIV) or Today’s New International Version (TNIV) when quoting Scripture, please. If using another translation, please indicate.
- Capitalize the first letter of all pronoun references to God and/or Jesus.
- Email articles to editors at cgmmag dot com as a separate attachment, not included in the body of the email text. Preferred format is Microsoft Word.
- Submission of an article or photo constitutes permission to publish and share. Please include your contact info (email address, social media platforms, etc.).
- If your article meets our criteria, we reserve the right to hold it for a future issue.
- Specify whether you own photographs related to your proposed article. Submit photos as email attachments in .jpg format.
- We do not compensate writers for submissions; however, we will include a byline and bio for each writer whose article is featured in CGM.
- The editors of CGM reserve the right to edit your manuscript for clarity and space, and to reject any article at any stage of our editing/production process.
What is the definition for each category of articles?
- From the Editor: Vision for global mission with information and inspiration often connected with the theme of the current CGM posts.
- Celebrating Mission: Wide-ranging variety of stories and articles on global mission action and strategy, with an emphasis on testimonies and personal narrative.
- Meet Some Missionaries: Personal stories from current and former residential missionaries; for example, could include their call and road to the mission field as well as their current ministry. (Whenever necessary for personal and ministry security as determined by the mission Partner, ministry location will be generalized and pseudonyms used.)
- History of Mission: Wide-ranging collection of stories that may include global mission pioneers, the back story of a specific Partner mission, country or region of the world or the the larger picture in global mission history.
- Wisdom from the Fields: Wide-ranging variety of stories from current and former missionaries/mission leaders that include perspective and insight on the Christian life and global mission.
- Ideas from Churches: Personal and practical stories from Lutheran churches – rural or urban, large or small – that are purposeful about answering Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations.
Can I share articles that appear in the magazine?
Yes. Individuals and congregations have our permission to download, print, copy or share any of our content. In fact, we encourage you to get these articles out to as many people as possible!
How do I share an article?
It’s easy! Simply click on one of the social media buttons at the end of the article.
How can I support CGM?
CGM is free. Our goal is to introduce our readers to mission organizations and to make great missions-related articles available to all. However, producing each issue doesn’t happen by waving a magic wand – there are costs involved.
Here are ways you can support CGM:
- Pray! Please support CGM with your prayers. To share your prayer support, please contact the Editors or comment on Facebook or Instagram.
- Donate! If you’re willing and able to support us financially to keep CGM coming to your inbox, please choose the giving method that is best for you.
- Share! Everything in the magazine is shareable. Please share articles by emailing to friends or clicking on the social media buttons below each article.
- Partner with us! Mission organizations and churches, please consider becoming a Partner.