Our Partner ministries have many resources to share with CGM readers. This page is where you can find a variety of resources. In addition to the Mission Minutes videos created by our Partners, you’ll find books, newsletters and podcasts. We’ll be adding new resources as our library increases.
Quickly jump to each resource section: Mission Minutes Videos | Books | Newsletters | Podcasts
Mission Moments are short, engaging, informative videos on a variety of global mission-related topics for Sunday mornings, small groups and personal use. Free-to-stream 2-3 minute videos designed to motivate, inspire and teach your congregation about Global Missions, these can be used during announcements at worship services, council meetings, Sunday School and other venues to increase excitement and knowledge about global missions.
WMPL: Global Worker
WMPL: What is WMPL’s Desire?
WMPL: What is an Important Value of WMPL?
WMPL: How Can a Person Not Feeling Called to Go Overseas Live a Commissioned Life?
ALWM: Perseverance in the Great Commission
ALWM: The Day We Met Agape
ALWM: Missionaries Come From Churches
ALWM: EFEC Interview 2020
ALWM: Great Commission Crisis 2018
ALWM: Bible Translation
ALWM: Unreached People Groups
ALWM: Growing a Missions Culture
ALWM: Purposeful and Practical Obedience
This is where Partner ministries will list their books.
Igniting a Passion for Missions
Author: Bill Moberly
This book is a clarion call to local churches of all sizes to obey the mission mandate given to us by Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Moberly weaves together sound Biblical teaching, inspirational stories and practical instruction to help you and your congregation Ignite a Passion for Missions.
Food from Ravens
Author: World Mission Prayer League (WMPL)
In the Scriptures, we read of many times when God commanded His people to tell of His deeds to their children and to succeeding generations, so that they do not forget and lose faith. These stories need to be shared, and here they are! The 151 stories in Food from Ravens are the result of this admonition to God’s people. They are accounts of God’s working in the lives of WMPL missionaries over the years, and it is our heartfelt desire that they bless your life and help us all to see what a great God we have!
This is where Partner ministries will list their Podcast information.
LBT: Essentially Translatable Podcast
Are you fascinated by languages, literacy, cross-cultural issues, and the Word?
Join us in exploring the exciting world of Bible Translation! Featuring interviews with leaders in the global translation community. Essentially Translatable is educational, exciting and informative.
Discover how you can continue the reformation by making God’s Word accessible to people in the language they know best.
Coming soon! This is where you can find and download archived posts.
April 2021
Welcome to CGM-Bill Moberly
The Next New Frontier-Bill Moberly
Two Chairs-Julie Smude
Finding New Perspectives-Don Raun
Mobilization Challenges-Chuck Lindquist
Starting a Mission Team-Kent Groethe
July 2021
Global Outreach-Bill Moberly
Madagascar Prison Ministry-David Lerseth
Stories From the Field-Rich Rudowske
A Message to Proclaim-Bill Moberly
Pray-ers, Send-ers & Go-ers-Leslie Urie
Mobilizing for Missions-Philip Gassman
October 2021
Key Mission Terms-Bill Moberly
God Prepared the Way-Elliot & Serena Derricks
Meet Some Global Workers-Leslie Urie
The Steve Lellelid Story-David Lerseth
One Life at a Time-Bill Moberly
Worldwide Outreach-Lucas Kinser
January 2022
Global Mission Training Program-Bill Moberly
Bringing New Life-Leslie Urie
Ministering to Cambodia-Sam Chim
The Gift of Language-Carl & Kelsey Grulke
Malagasy Lutheran Church-David Lerseth
Outreach Vision-Karen Dorfmeyer
April 2022
A Sense of Urgency-Bill Moberly
VitalLinks Ministry-Van Phan
Changing Role of the Missionary-David Lerseth
Remembering Dust-Leslie Urie
Reformation Continues-Mike Rodewald
Global Mission Partners-Ryan Warne-McGraw
July 2022
CGM Mission Conference-Bill Moberly
Fifohazana Movement-David Lerseth
God’s Word In Their Hands-Emily Wilson
Gap Year Internship-Matt Shields
For I Have Redeemed You-Jackie Johnson
Grow in Faith-Impact the World-Phil Burney
October 2022
Fascinating History-Bill Moberly
Leaders in Bible Translation-Rich Rudowske
Write the Vision-Leslie Urie
Sustainable Development-David Isaacson
A Mission Revival-Bill Moberly
A Long History of Mission-Kris Madsen
January 2023
Short-Term Mission Trips-Bill Moberly
I Can See-Leslie Urie
Following the Call-Thomas Thorstad
Co-Creative Processes-Rich Rodowske
Radical Mission Model-David Isaacson
Effective Mission Outreach-Jennifer Kuentz
May 2023
From Benevolence to Partnership-Bill Moberly
Lost Land of the Bible-Lea Eldred
Evangelists or Missionaries-David Lerseth
Nepal-Integral Mission-Leslie Urie
The Lost Book-Mike Rodewald
A Passion for Mission-Jeff Teeples