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We depend on the generosity of mission agencies and individuals like you to continue to produce this magazine. Your gift ensures that we can continue to produce and deliver this magazine free worldwide.

Click the button to begin the donation process.

Give by Phone or Mail

Give by Mail

Donate by check: Make your check payable to ALWM and put CGM in the memo portion or add a note designating your gift for CGM and mail to:

CGM Magazine
PO Box 67432
Albuquerque, NM 87193-7432

Give Other Ways

Other Ways to Give

Please support CGM with your prayers. To share your prayer support,
please contact us or comment on Facebook or Instagram.

If you’re willing and able to support us financially to keep CGM coming to your inbox, please click the Give to CGM button.

Everything in the magazine is shareable. Please share articles by sending to friends and your congregational leaders via email or through the social media buttons below each article.

Partner with us!
Mission organizations and churches, please consider becoming a Partner. Contact us.


What are donations used for?

Production costs and web hosting are our main areas of expense.

$50 helps with regular production and/or maintenance costs
$200 covers our web hosting and related costs for a year (?
$1,000 covers quarterly production costs

One of our near-term goals now that CGM is a reality is to sponsor/host global mission conferences – in person or virtually – bringing together our mission Partners, congregational leaders and other interested people. We are praying about hosting the first one in the fall of  2021!

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes. CGM is a ministry of Awakening Lives to World Missions (ALWM), a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donation goes directly to CGM.

You will receive a receipt from ALWM at the time of donation, as well as a year end receipt early the following year.

Tax ID (EIN): 47-3102959

Is your site secure?

Yes. You can verify this by looking at the address bar in your browser. In most browsers, you will see a lock icon to the left of the URL, which signifies that the site is secure. In addition, you can see the Verified & Secured badge in the footer of the website.