Significant Challenges

As Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) embarked on the ambitious “More Than Words” campaign in 2019, little did we know the twists and turns the world would take. Our journey during unforeseen global challenges, has been a testament to God’s faithfulness.

During this season, Lutheran Bible Translators faced significant organizational changes, including the retirement of key staff and our executive director. Despite these transitions, our campaign has continued to thrive and as we head into its fifth and final year, our goal is approximately 82 percent funded. The “More Than Words” campaign, aimed at equipping visionary, mission-minded, ministry entrepreneurs, has exponentially increased the impact that can be had in mission, in Bible translation and Scripture engagement.

Audacious Goals

Our goals, set at the onset of the campaign, were nothing short of audacious. We aimed to double our operational reach, expanding from partnerships with 72 language communities to an astounding 144 language communities by the campaign’s end. This is a massive undertaking, especially considering the financial and logistical implications of equipping our partners in all these communities. The campaign encompasses a holistic approach, including building sustainable ministry projects for income generation and training the next generation of Bible translation advisors and literacy coordinators.

As of now, we proudly partner with 132 language communities, with additional collaborations anticipated in 2024. Through every step, we have witnessed the Lord’s unwavering faithfulness. 

man sitting with hands folded in prayer and text GOD HEARS OUR PRAUERS

Prayer: A Pivotal Strategy

Central to our ambitious goal is a pivotal strategy: PRAYER. In the words of Ephesians 3, “God is able to do immeasurable more than we could ask or imagine.” We lay our plans and goals at His feet, trusting in His will and inviting His guidance into every aspect of our mission and operations.

The concept of ‘persistence’ has become a cornerstone in our leadership discussions. “Prayer is the Strategy” is not just a motto; it is a missiological imperative that drives and guides our actions. We commit to specific, persistent, faith-building, unifying prayer. This bold approach to prayer ‒ coming together as a global community to petition for every language to have access to at least some of God’s Word by 2033 ‒ embodies our trust in the Lord’s provision and His perfect timing.

So, what does “Prayer Is the Strategy” look like in action at Lutheran Bible Translators? It manifests in several ways:

Prayer Working Group: This group actively encourages our missionaries, staff, and partners to engage in unified, transformative prayer, nurturing their spiritual growth and unity in purpose.

Daily Prayer and Devotion: Our staff comes together at the same time every day, both in person at our Concordia, Missouri, office and online for those working remotely, for daily prayer and devotion time. We maintain a Prayer Time chat, where needs and supplications are shared, fostering a culture of mutual care and unified prayer.

Engaging Prayer Partners: Beyond our internal community, we invite external participation in our prayer strategy through our monthly prayer calendar. Distributed to over 3,600 Prayer Partners globally, this tool equips them to join us in the Bible Translation movement. Prayer Partners, a vital part of our mission, commit to praying daily persistent, specific, unified prayers- amounting to over 1.34 million prayers over the course of the upcoming year.

African villagers praying, wearing colorful clothing and tribal body paint, with text PRAY WITHOUT CEASING

The Mission Continues

Looking ahead, our strategy to achieve the monumental goal of making God’s Word accessible in every language by 2033 is rooted in humble submission to our Heavenly Father. We recognize that our mission is His, and success apart from Him is impossible. We trust in His perfect will and timing, knowing that He will not only help us accomplish our goals but that He will also transform us in the process.

As Lutheran Bible Translators continues on its mission, “Prayer Is The Strategy” remains as more than a guiding principle; it is the heartbeat of our mission. It is a call to action, an invitation to trust, and a reminder of the incredible power that lies in fully submitting our every want and need at the feet of the Almighty. Through prayer, we find the strength to pursue our goals, the wisdom to navigate challenges, and the assurance that, in His perfect time, every language community will experience the transformative power of God’s Word in the language they know best.

graphic with words WE'RE RAISING PRAYER

You Can Help!

For more information about becoming a Prayer Partner, visit our website at or contact us by phone 800.532.4253 or by mail at Lutheran Bible Translators, PO Box 789, Concordia, MO 64020.

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